De Fokkiekoeken

(wuldfeemoes van dun BOTRiekat en den DuwooDiejahonaal)

ennuh twuk voeh junder

14/12/2024 BOTReycat #8

XX/04/2025 DuoDiagonaal #8

alhowuh meir


– An alleycat – 3 loops –
– start @ sunrise – Solo or Team – NO support –

The rulez:

– Start on (to be announced), at sunrise 8u30;

– Visit all X landmarks;

– After visiting Y landmarks, you have to come back to the Start & Finish point before visiting another Y. It’s an alleycat after all …

– So, in the end, you will reach this point 3 times …; we’ll actually 4 times as there is not enough parking space over there

– All roads are allowed, road & offroad;

– Changing bikes in between is not allowed; changing clothes is allowed;

– Winners pass this point 3 times; losers get in their car after 1 or 2 times;

– Solo or team of 2;

– You take a (duo)-selfie on each checkpoint, to prove you were there!


Let’s PRAY!!! for snow, fog, glazed frost, …


– Crossing Belgium E to W (or inverse) – Pass x checkpoints –
– start @ 17h00 – Team/Duo – NO support –

The rulez:

– You create a team (2 min, 2 max)

– You draw the route yourself, passing all mandatory checkpoints.

– Drafting … is only allowed in the team. Other teams keep a respectable distance from each other. We count on the honest attitude of the participants. NO DRAFTING with other teams. Fully self supported: no cars, no derny, you buy food & drink along the way. Check opening hours of Quick & McDonalds.

– All type of bikes are allowed. No, E-bikes are NOT allowed. #cheaters- Sleep? That’s your own strategy, although a strange strategy …

– Take care of your lights and reflective elements! Riding dressed as a Christmas tree helps. And you should.

– Prove you were at a checkpoint by taking a selfie, post it on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook event page, … hashtag #duodia- Prove you were at a checkpoint by sending a message (you will get the details at the start)

(bekend van BOTReycat en DuoDiagonaal)

stellen voor

14/12/2024 BOTReycat #8

XX/04/2025 DuoDiagonaal #8

binnenkort meer

(known from BOTReycat and DuoDiagonaal)


14/12/2024 BOTReycat #8

XX/04/2025 DuoDiagonaal #8

soon more


– A tilehunting challenge – Creating a MAX Square –
– start @ 8h00 – Timelimit 10h – Solo or Team – NO support –

The rulez:

– Maak een route waarbij je binnen de tijdslimiet een zo groot mogelijk vierkant “toetegelt”.  (Ook de tegels binnen het vierkant dienen “gekleurd” te worden).  Check “Statshunters” of “Veloviewer” voor het concept “Tilehunting”.

– Je gereden Karree wordt na de rit gecontroleerd door de Fokkiekoeken via Statshunters.

– Na aankomst is er uitgebreid mogelijkheid om onder het nuttigen van een streekbiertje of streekfrisdrank te socializen met alle deelnemers, organisatoren en sympathisanten.

– We voorzien ook een barbecue (braadworst, groenten, saus en stokbrood a volonté) en er kan overnacht worden met eigen tent en slaapzak.  Voor de overnachters zal er ’s morgens een uitgebreid ontbijt zijn.